Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. was hired to sell Memory Care Facility in Portland, OR. The transaction consisted of a 30 unit/40 bed Memory Care Facility built in 2010 and expanded in 2013. The facility had a census of 95% at the time of the sale. The memory care facility sold for over $215,000 per unit at a 10% cap rate. There is an additional 1 acre for future expansion. The Seller is a group of local, private owners who also operated the facility. The Buyer is a publicly traded REITthat owns multiple facilities in Oregon and throughout the country. It will be leasing the property to an operator headquartered in California. For information on this transaction or to sell memory care facility, contact Jason Punzel of Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. at punzel@slibinc.com or 630/858-2501