Jeff Binder has sold a 58 unit/64 bed aasisted living building and a 20 unit/45 bed memory care building. Included in the sale was an undeveloped parcel between the buildings that could be used for expansion of one or both of the facilities. The Seller, a regional owner/operator, decided to divest of the property in order to focus on their larger facilities in the area. At the time of sale, the facility was underperforming. The Buyer is a regional operator from California. They plan on increasing operating efficiencies and use their their marketing experience to improve census. The Buyer is also in the process of purchasing another Las Vegas facility which they can use to increase hteir cost center efficiencies. The buildings were constructed in 1996/1997. Even though the facilities were underperforming, Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. was able to field multiple offers and ultimately sell the facilities for $4,000,000. For additional information on this sale or on how Jeff can assist you with the confidential sale of your facility, contact Jeff at 314/961-0070 or binder@slibinc.com