Ryan Saul sold an 128 Bed Skilled Nursing Facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The facility has a stellar reputation for quality care which was reflected in the purchase price of over $100,000/bed. Although originally built in the 1970.s, the Seller had continually invested capital and upgraded the building. It is arguably one of the best SNF’s in Indiana. The Seller was an Assisted Living owner/operator that purchased the SNF because it was adjacent to one of his ALF’s. The Seller had recently sold his Assisted Living portfolio so he elected to sell the SNF. The Buyer, based in Chicago, aligned with a regional to operate the facility. The operator manages several properties in Indiana and Illinois. The 37,000 square foot building on 4.3 acres was built in the 1970’s. The census at the time of sale was 84% with an 80% quality mix. The community sold at a 14.13% capitalization rate/1.4 GIM. For additional information, please contact Ryan Saul at ryansaul@slibinc.com or 630/858-2501.