Assisted Living Community Sale
This transaction consists of two assisted Living communities with a total of 86 units located in two different towns in South Dakota. They are about an hours drive from one another. The first assisted living community is comprised of a total of 60 units. It is approximately 25,663 square feet and is situated on approximately 1.9 acres of land. It was originally constructed in 1995 as a purpose built assisted living community. The other assisted living community is comprised of a total of 26 units. It is approximately 15,800 square feet and is situated on approximately 4.73 acres of land. It was originally constructed in 1997 as a purpose built assisted living community. Both properties have been very well maintained and enjoy good reputations in their respective markets. The MSA population of the first community is approximately 150,000 and the population of the county where the other community is located is approximately 26,000. The census at the time of sale was 53% and the combined communities were losing over $600,000 (EBITDA) annually.
Seller Representation
Despite some of the challenges in marketing properties with negative cash flow, Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. was able to implement an effective marketing plan on behalf of the Seller and procure a qualified Buyer for the two assets and close in a timely manner. The Seller was a local hospital network seeking to divest of the assisted living communities in order to focus on their core business. The Buyer is a Private Equity group based in Southern California. They secured Northstar Senior Living to manage the properties on their behalf.
Contact Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc.
For additional information on this Assisted Living Community Sale or on how Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. can assist you with the sale or purchase of an assisted living community, please contact Jason Punzel of Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. at punzel@slibinc.com or 630/858-2501